Blue Diamond
What vegetables to plant in October

Although October is mainly a month for harvesting, once you’ve cleared the beds of the last of the summer crops, it’s also time to plant for winter and spring crops. Some winter-hardy seeds can still be sown outdoors, while others are best under glass or in a cold greenhouse. Here’s a list of vegetables to sow and plant in October:
Sow under cloches or in a greenhouse for winter crops:
Winter lettuce
Pak choi
Sow outdoors for spring crops:
Pea ‘Meteor’ and ‘Pilot’
Broad bean ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ and ‘Imperial Green Longpod’
Plant out:
Autumn onion sets e.g. Onion ‘Radar’ and ‘Electric Red’
Spring cabbages
Asparagus crowns