Fryer’s Roses to Launch Two New Roses at RHS Hampton Court 2018
26th June 2018
Fryer’s Roses is to launch two new roses at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show - “Eirene” to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1 and “Sarah Elizabeth” in memory of a young lady, who tragically lost her life in 2013.
“Eirene” Rose
To commemorate the centenary of the end of WWI, Fryer’s Roses, is launching “Eirene”, a rose named after the Goddess of Peace. Eirene was the daughter of Zeus, said to be the God of Justice and Moral Order, the symbol of earthly peace. The rose with its buds, blossoms and thorns is a worldwide symbol of love, remembrance and grief, a symbol of pain and overcoming it; of reconciliation and peace.
This beautiful, full petalled Floribunda rose opens from a warm creamy apricot to a brilliant white. With a light fragrance, bushy habit and good disease resistance, this attractive rose will grow to approximately 120cm in height.
£1 from every “Eirene” rose sold through Blue Diamond and Fryer's Roses online, will be donated to the charity "Action Reconciliation for Peace," (ARSP), a charity set up to help champion and promote peace throughout the World through its International Programs.
For over 50 years ARSP has been committed to working toward reconciliation and peace, as well as fighting racism, discrimination and social exclusion. Today, these aims are continued and realized through long-term international peace service programs. Every year around 180 volunteers, mostly aged between nineteen and twenty five are active for ARSP in thirteen different countries on a variety of educational, historical,
“Sarah Elizabeth Rose”
This new and exclusive rose to Fryer’s Roses and the Blue Diamond group, is named after Sarah Elizabeth Groves, a young lady who was tragically murdered on a house boat in Kashmir, India in 2013.
More than 5 years after Sarah’s death, little progress has been made through the courts in India, although a man was arrested at the time of the murder. The manner in which the case has been conducted is now the subject of a formal complaint to the authorities by Sarah’s parents. The case is on its third judge, its second public prosecutor and the accused has fired his legal team on four occasions.
Although only 24 years old, Sarah touched an incredible number of people with her selfless nature and infectious smile during her short lifetime. She was a source of kindness and inspiration for many, many people - something that became even more apparent after her passing.
The “Sarah Elizabeth” rose is a delicate pink colour, with contrasting dark green foliage. The rose is a highly fragrant floribunda with a bushy habit, good disease resistance and grows to a height of approximately 100cm.
£1 from every "Sarah Elizabeth" rose sold through Blue Diamond and Fryer's Roses online will be donated to the Sarah Groves Foundation. The Foundation was set up by Sarah’s parents and sets out to fulfill Sarah's own ambitions in life, which were to enhance the lives of young people especially those less fortunate.
The new roses will be available to buy from Stand FR 568 at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, online by visiting or by telephoning Fryer’s Roses direct on 01565 755455.
Both roses will also be available to buy from any Blue Diamond Garden Centre from April 2019 onwards priced at £17.99 (potted rose) and whilst stocks last.
Bare root roses can be purchased at a cost of £12 per rose (excluding delivery). Potted roses are £17.99 per rose (excluding delivery). Delivery charges apply. Please see Fryer's Roses website for details. Bare root roses will be dispatched from November 2018 onwards. Potted roses are available to buy now whilst stocks last, otherwise can be ordered now to be dispatched from April 2019.
For more information on The ARSP, visit
For more information on The Sarah Groves Foundation, visit