Blue Diamond supports Watch Your Back! campaign
10th May 2019
Watch Your Back! is a sun protection campaign by the Melanoma Fund that raises awareness of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer to those who love being out in their garden. Although we are all vulnerable to the effects of the sun, it’s those who spend a lot of time outdoors without sun protection, and avoid checking their skin for change, that are most at risk.
This year our focus is on sunburn and the importance of avoiding it, due to its strong link with melanoma. As well as promoting awareness in garden centres, we offer helpful tips, facts and advice from how and why to apply sunscreen, how to check skin regularly and what to look out for. We believe everyone has the right to healthy skin, whatever their gender or age.
Watch Your Back! is supported by 9 of the UK’s top gardeners, partnered with three leading horticultural organisations and will feature in over 300 major garden centres this year, so we must be doing something right! All we now need is your support (the most important thing!) and you can do this by simply acting on and sharing our advice.
Find out more at